Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Sebelius Shuffle

It would appear Kate has been down earning her keep at the used car lots. Her rebuttale speach last night was this. "We disagree with the president so we must be the majority so he should be like me and do what is popular rather than what is right".

Ok Kate got it! Hey fix Kansas first; the rest of us what lower taxes, less government, accountabilty for the bucks you spend, and no speach restrictions via funding limits on candidates.

The "join us" sounded like that used car salesman's pitch of trust me buy it you will like it. However the car you want us to buy is a broken and failed one.

No thanks Kate; in the heartland we do what is right not what pleases your ultra liberal San Francisco friends.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Community Service

When people violate the law these days they are given community service. If you are famous then it makes the news.

This is an excellent example of the judiciary having lost its collective mind. First: it cheapens all of those who serve the community out of willingness to give back because it makes forced community service equal to voluntary community service where there is no incentive other than to help.

Second: It makes crime easy "If I drive drunk in L A I will only have to pick up trash for a couple of hours a day then go party at night and have a big laugh about it"

It is time to repeal the right of judges to give community service. If after serving a sentence and the person is on probation make community service a requirement when they check in with their probation officer.