Saturday, April 21, 2007

J and E Riggin out of the lifts.

The J and E Riggin is out of the lifts and back in the water. Work week is getting started. I am getting excited about this year's trip out to Rockland, ME for the great schooner race.

The Captains and the shore cordinantor are just the greatest people.

The Unites States Attorney General

Could it be that the Democrats are after the AG because he has the audacity to be Hispanic Republican. They hate the Secretary of State because she is black and a Republican.

Liberal democrats think that any minority person who throws off the victim mentality and become a success through hard work and education is to be despised.

That is what this is about and only what it is about. They want to use their majority for revenge not for renewal like they told the American voter.

Thursday, April 05, 2007