Thursday, October 18, 2007

A letter to Robert M. "Mike" Duncan - Chairman, Republican National Committee

To Robert M. "Mike" Duncan - Chairman, Republican National Committee

Dear Mr. Duncan:

For 43 years I have contributed to the Republican National Committee; during the good times and the bad times. I have worked in grassroots campaigns and on campaign committees. I have served as an elected party official. I belong to groups that have GOP connections.

However for the first time your requests for my contribution to the RNC will go unanswered.

The reason for this is called disloyality. The RNC will distribute my contributions to those candidates who have refused to back the President; back and filled to appease democrats and left wing idiots and who are RINO (republican in name only).

The RNC failed to stop McCain-Fiengold and now is begging money for its existence. May I suggest that the RNC commit itself to a single object; the repeal of McCain-Fiengold. This would give incentives to loyal republicans to return to contributing to the RNC. Suggesting to Senator McCain that he introduce the repeal bill might just save his failing nomination bid.

I write this here; because there is no method to get to this you by any other method.

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