Friday, October 12, 2007


Al (I know more than you do even if you are an environmental scientist) Gore; (also known as "I invented the internet") Gore or (don’t ask me about my carbon foot print from my 3 houses and my private jet) Gore got the Noble peace prize today.

This is not about that specifically however; it’s about the politicalization of awards.

The Grammy for the best country music song of the year went to the Dixie Chicks; for a song that was played exactly 76 times on country music stations and was 699 on the Billboard top country hits and 1012 on the CMA top country hits. But the Grammy voters wanted to send a zinger to those Bush supporters who put the Dixie (we will disrespect our country in a foreign land) Chicks out of the music business; which these dishonest voters did.

Then comes the Oscars and the Golden Globes; Al gets the documentary award for a film that the British, Australian and New Zealand governments will not allow to be shown in their schools unless a companion film is shown where scientists (who actually have degrees and CV’s) point out the numerous scientific errors in the Al (I really want the adulation) documentary. By this the Oscar and Golden Globes con men score two zingers for the ‘we will get even for the 2000 election’ crowd.

Now the Noble peace committee repeats the same error; because they are an international group of ‘we really hate the fact that the US (and by extension the Bush administration) is the most powerful nation in the world when it should be us because we legalized and provide public funds for abortion; prostitution and addictive drug use’.

What this means is that no such award of the past, no such award in the future will ever be given the respect it might have deserved. Just as Barry Bonds’ record will forever be suspect; every one of these awards ever given or to be given will be and are suspect.

Point of interest: Noble prize money comes from the estate of the inventor of dynamite. Dynamite is nitro glycerin in a suspended form in material that makes it safer to handle. Most of it is now made in the US. The manufacture of it causes green house cases 6.8 times the weight of the final product. Yes it is still used; primarily in mining but a durative is used in weaponry. Now if Al is really interested in cooling the environment maybe the money he gets from the prize will be used in his next documentary to tell about how to stop this green house gas emitter.

Sure; and I just won the Irish lottery.

{Grammy; Oscar, and Golden Globe are trademarks of MoveOn.Org oops I mean their respective owners. Al Gore is a trademark of The "Internet" is not subject to a trademark because Al failed to file the required forms when he invented it. Dixie Chicks is a trademark of Wecan'}

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