Saturday, September 22, 2007

Definition of "Diverse views"

The Iran crazy has been invited to give his "diverse views" at Columbia University next week.

If you don't know what a diverse view is; this will help:

Destroy America and its values is a diverse view.
Anti-semitic is a diverse view.
Destroy Israel is a diverse view.
Anything a Hollywood liberal (or a host on the view) says is a diverse view.
Any speech defaming Christians or Christ is a diverse view.

Recruiting graduates to the military services is not a diverse view.
Any speech that might indicate that George Bush ever did anything right is not a diverse view.
Any speech that even hints that the war on terror just might be essential to our survival is not a diverse view.
Recalling historical documents from Islam that indicates that all Islam is radical is not a diverse view.
Suggesting that there just might be some conservative black and Hispanic politicians is not a diverse view.
Oh; and that Hillary might be the most dangerous president ever to be elected is not a diverse view.

So at Columbia University and other Universities you will find the above diverse views but of course not any of those non- diverse views.

Its called selective application; if it is line with what our professors think its free speech; if not it is to be suppressed. Here is a suggested test; ask the Iran crazy one question: "Is it your position that Hitler was justified in killing 6,000,000 Jews"? If they ask the question they support truly diverse views if they don't then there is no other conclusion.

I bet Bill O'Reilly would ask that question!

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