Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I am trying out ScribeFire a blog posting tool I found at the Foxfire Site. So this will not be a very interesting post.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Phone Call at 3 am in the White House

It's 3 am in the White House; the emergency phone rings by President Obama's bed. The clerk of the Supreme Court Reports that a Justice has died; one of the conservative ones.
It's 3:15 am the phone rings again; Senator Clinton reminds the president of the deal he made to appoint her to the Court.
It's noon 3 weeks later; Hillary Clinton is sworn in as Justice.
It's 20 years later; free abortion is the rule of the land; religious leaders who object to homosexual acts in the pulpit are jailed for hate crimes; 1000s of killers, rapists and sex pretators have had there sentences overturned; the US is a culture without rules. All because of a liberal court led by Justice Clinton.

Think about it.